10 Cake Smash Tips | Vancouver WA Photographer

December 16, 2019  •  1 Comment

Hello everyone!

I am a photographer in Vancouver Washington serving Vancouver WA and Portland metro area. Who doesn't love a photo of an adorable baby?! Add a cake and you have one of my favorite photo sessions, Cake Smash sessions!

I love helping parents capture their little ones FIRST birthday!  It is such a big milestone in their lives and it is a huge event for the parents too!  Yes, parents, you made it through the first(and one of the toughest) year!  

 Cake smash sessions allow us to get in touch with our creative side to create the perfect first birthday photos! Themes, props, backgrounds, outfits.. Lets have some fun!  My goal is to capture moments that are going to be treasured for a long time...maybe even generations.  How cool is that?  Here are some tips for smash cake session/first birthday photo session.

  1. Start planning early(around 9 months).  You need time to shop for cute outfits and order a special cake for the big day!  And I might need to shop for props, too! (Check out this girls crown, headbands and dresses her mom picked!) Cake Smash SessionFirst birthday fun photoshoot
  2. Scheduling is very important.  After morning or afternoon naps/snack are usually good time to schedule cake smash session so they are not too hungry.. but hungry enough to eat cake.  Babies are also usually happy after naps.
  3. Chocolate cake is yummy to eat but not for cake smash sessions...it does not look very appealing in photos.  I also suggest avoiding cakes with a lot of red icing, unless you're planning a vampire theme. :D
  4. Buttercream or whipped icing is the smoothest, making it easiest to smash.  Be aware that fondant and small hard decorative details can be a choking hazard.
  5. Shop for matching candle and/or cake topping early. Number 1 candles are commonly sold out in stores.  Matching candles and/or cake topping will complete the look of the cake.  
  6. You do not need a big cake for a cake smash.  5 - 6" cake is a perfect size.                                            Cake smash cakeCup cake style cake 5" Cake Smash CakeFirst birthday cake
  7. Be prepared to participate!  Some babies don't get the hang of smashing a cake right away.   You may need to get your hands dirty to help them get started. It's a tough job, but someones gotta do it!                                                                                  Cake Smash, First birthday celebrationBe prepare to participate                                               
  8.  If you would like to use the cake smash photos to display at the baby's birthday party, use them for birthday invitations or make a nice announcement post on social media on the day of their birthday, I recommend scheduling your session when baby is 11 months old(again, start planning a couple months before this).  This will give you time to make prints and order any products that you'd like to display.
  9.  Most importantly, remember not all the babies are going to love their birthday cake.  It can be too messy or too sweet for them. Some might even cry at first. But that's ok.  Don't get disappointed.  Babies are all different just like we are. Embrace the uniqueness and enjoy the moment, whatever they do!
  10. Don't throw away the cake!  They really don't eat that much of the cake.  Keep it and enjoy it after the session. You deserve it!

    I hope these tips help you to have great cake smashing experience.  Cheers!

Cake Smash Family Photo Cake Smash Family Photo


Cake smash, first birthday photos Cake smash, first birthday photos Cake Smash Photos, First birthday celebration Cake Smash Photos, First birthday celebration Cake Smash Photos, First birthday celebration Cake Smash Photos, First birthday celebration

After cake smash

Cake Smash Session, First birthday photos
























Ryley Aufderhar(non-registered)
I am glad to read this article.
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